Leader Optec Achieves ISO:9001 Recertification

We are proud to announce that Leader Optec has successfully achieved ISO:9001 recertification. This significant accomplishment underscores our unwavering commitment to quality and excellence in all aspects of our operations.

The Importance of ISO:9001 Certification

The ISO:9001 certification is crucial for Leader Optec, as it assures our customers that we adhere to stringent quality management standards. Many of our customers expect and demand this qualification, and it holds tremendous value for both us and our clients. The certification is not just about meeting external requirements; it is a testament to our dedication to maintaining high standards, learning from experiences, and implementing continuous improvements.

The Rigorous Recertification Process

The recertification process involved a comprehensive two-day audit that evaluated all areas of our business. Over the years, ISO quality standards have evolved, and we have remained diligent in ensuring compliance across all facets of our operations. There is a heightened focus on customer service, and we take pride in our proactive approach. Regularly gathering customer feedback, extensive staff training, and continual refinement of our processes are central to maintaining our top-tier service.

Robust Quality Management System

Our quality management system encompasses a wide range of processes and documentation:

  • Drawings: We have over 300 standard Leader Optec owned drawings and a more than 400 additional customer specific drawings.
  • Work Instructions: We maintain around 205 work instructions and over 50 supplier procedures.
  • Quality Procedures: Our quality manual is supported by 8 main procedures, with additional documentation such as flow charts, forms, and datasheets.
  • Audit Team: A dedicated audit team of 4 trained auditors ensures compliance and continuous improvement.

Ensuring Consistent Quality Standards

To ensure our quality standards are consistently met, we have several measures in place:

  • Daily KPIs: We track various metrics, including production quality and customer satisfaction. In the last six months, we dispatched 1606 orders with a 99.2% on-time schedule adherence for manufactured jobs.
  • Vendor Relationships: We maintain close relationships with our vendors to ensure they meet our stringent quality requirements.
  • Customer Transparency: We keep our customers informed and involved in our processes.
  • Monitoring Quality Incidents: We closely monitor the percentage of quality incidents, including RMAs, which account for only 1.5% of orders.

A Rewarding Journey

Achieving and maintaining ISO:9001 certification is a rewarding process and a testament to the teamwork and dedication of everyone at Leader Optec. Barry Williams, our Quality Manager, expresses his gratitude:

Achieving ISO:9001 recertification is not just about meeting external requirements; it’s about striving for excellence internally. This accomplishment wouldn't be possible without the efforts of our entire team. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in the process—we wouldn't maintain the standards that we have without their hard work and commitment.


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