- Fibre Mode:
Single-mode, OM3, OM4 (OM1 & OM2 available upon request).
- Cable Size:
3mm Inner Jacket, 4.5mm Outer Jacket.
- Housing (MTP® PRO):
Single-mode = Green, OM3= Aqua, OM4 = Heather Violet.
- Polarity Method:
12F = A, B or C.
24F = A (Crossed), B, C or Straight.
Speak to our Team for more information on this: +44(0)1745 586600.
- Temperature Range:
-20 ~ +60⁰C
- Crush Resistance:
MTP® Tuff Trunk
- Man
- US Conec
MTP® Tuff Trunk cable assemblies are of a robust double jacket construction, designed for longer length trunk patching.
Key Features
- UK Manufacture.
- Double jacketed, with two layers of Kevlar® protection.
- Simplistic push/pull boot design.
- High-density MTP® PRO connectors.
- Removable housing for field polarity change.
- Elliptical guide pins.
- Oval spring for greater fibre clearance.
- Uniform alignment across 24xlanes.
- LSZH Jacket.
- Optimised space saving design.
- Cost-effective.
- High-density cabling with multi-fibre design.
- Fully compatible with all MPO connectivity.
- QSFP+ mated interface with the same fibre count.
Industry Standards Compliance
- Colour coding compliant to TIA/EIA-568-C.3 & ISO/IEC11801.
- Connector specification to IEC-61754-7 & EIA/TIA-604-5.
- LSZH jacket materials to IEC 60332 Parts 1 & 3.
- Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) and REACH SvHC.
- The geometrical characteristics compliant to IEC-60793.
- End Face Cleanliness compliant to IEC 61300-3-35.
- Enterprise.
- LAN & WAN.
- FTTx.
- Broadcast.
- Data Centre.
Need Help?
Send us a message or contact our team on +44(0)1745 586600 and we will be happy to talk through your requirements.