US Conec
Welcome to our dedicated US Conec page. Here you can find a host of information about US Conec.
Our Connection
At Leader Optec, we utilise US Conec MTP® connectors within our MTP® assemblies. We are also committed to upholding the qualifications and skills of our workforce, ensuring manufacture and service to the highest standards. Our MTP® Team hold a Certification in MTP® Connector Installation and Polishing, trained directly by US Conec.

Company Values
At Leader Optec, we like to work with like-minded companies who share similar core values to ourselves. Explore US Conec's company values.

Environmental Impact
Leader Optec our goal is to promote environmental consciousness throughout the company and to adapt our operations in turn to reduce our environmental impact. Not only do we look at our own operations to maximise sustainability in the workplace, we look to utilise brands that align to ours. View US Conec environmental commitment.